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Hello! I found a Telegram bot in which various database leaks are collected. There are more than 500 different bases in the bot! You can find information about almost anyone. Look what you have on and you will be very surprised! Bot: @BigLeaksBot News channel: @BigLeaksChannel there is always an up-to-date link to the bot in case it is blocked. ======================= Pyru! Npu| qu SC@ u{y}y qpxp}y r {} u qpx Np|srz y }~syu t syu. ^ | yz y~ }u~ t| y{p y~}pyy. Bu r {u rytu~~s. Hp {pz qp uzp! A: https://t.me/BigLeaksBot Nr~z {p~p|: https://BigLeaksChannel.t.me tyy q ~u u ~p | pz tp|u~y qp |