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 ▼Facts: remmont.com  Hawaibox 20/4/20(月) 8:51

 ■題名 : Facts: remmont.com
 ■名前 : Hawaibox <vbronshen@gmail.com>
 ■日付 : 20/4/20(月) 8:51
 ■Web : http://remmont.com
   Real housewives of new york gossip
<p>Real housewives of new york gossip-Real housewives of new york gossip Carole: Gossips, Liars & Hypocrites, Oh My! Carole thinks gossip is bad for business, doesn’t believe Sonja’s claims about Russ, and is sick of George on her TV. “There’s a name for Carole: Gossips, Liars & Hypocrites, Oh My! Carole thinks gossip is bad for business, doesn’t believe Sonja’s claims about Russ, and is sick of George on her TV. “There’s a name for you ladies, but it isn’t used in high society outside of a kennel.” - The Women (1939) The three kinds of people I dislike ...</p>
<p>The post Real housewives of new york gossip appeared first on AUTO.</p>

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