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 ▼personalized christ  StuartZER 19/11/7(木) 11:44

 ■題名 : personalized christ
 ■名前 : StuartZER <fuzhouwaimao@outlook.com>
 ■日付 : 19/11/7(木) 11:44
 ■Web : http://www.itzsah.com
   personalized christmas gifts Oilcloth Pillows for Patio Living customized rustic pillow covers

personalized christmas gifts

that classic shiny fabric from grandma’s kitchen, is back in a big way. The bold designs and super bright colors are a perfect combo to add a blast o' happy to any room. How could you look at giant red chili peppers against a field of sunshine yellow and not smile?! Plus, because oilcloth is water resistant with a wipe-clean surface, it’s ideal for patio living. With a few of our helpful tips and techniques, you’ll find that sewing with oilcloth is easier than you might think. For one thing, there’s no edge finishing because it doesn’t ravel (yay!). Turn up the fun-o-meter to 10, and add a little happiness to your outdoor dcor with these reversible pillows.

personalized christmas gifts

Each pillow uses three different prints for the biggest blast of color and designpersonalized christmas gifts, as well as to make them reversible. You could certainly use fewer, but when there are so many brilliant choices, why turn down the fun-o-meter?! Most oilcloth is 47” wide, so you can cut at least two fronts and backs from the yardages shown below. Get a bit more for additional ruffled edges and you’ll have a pile o’ pillows in no time.

personalized christmas gifts

Each of our pillows has an envelope back so your pillow insert can be removed if the cover gets too wet or dirty for standard spot cleaning with a sponge and towel. Although any pillow form can be used, take a look at the Fairfield Weather Soft pillow inserts, which are specially designed for outdoor use with a water repellent shell.

personalized christmas gifts

We’ve finished the envelope back with a generous overlap and a cute bow, another touch that makes our pillows reversible and gives you dozens of colorful mix and match options.

Fabric.com has a great selection of oilcloth available for all your seasonal sewing. You'll find everything from solids to prints, stripes to gingham, plus lots of the classic fruits and florals.

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