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 ▼I sincerely hope it  WilliamIcers 19/5/13(月) 15:31

 ■題名 : I sincerely hope it
 ■名前 : WilliamIcers <inbox123@glmux.com>
 ■日付 : 19/5/13(月) 15:31
 ■Web : https://link.medium.com/RZuuZoBDDW
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April Smith is an American creator of historical fiction, criminal offense ficton and secret novels. She writes the Ana Gray sequence. April is also a television writer and producer. She has a B.S. with Distinction in English from Boston University and a Masterвs Diploma in Innovative Producing from Stanford College. She has labored on Television set series this kind of as Lou Grant, Cagney & Lacey, and Chicago Hope. April has also tailored brief stories and novels by authors this sort of as Stephen King and Anna Quindlen for tv. She life in Los Angeles with her spouse and youngsters. (a lot more)

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