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 ▼Prostitutes of Kiev  Prostitutki KievaEt 19/4/24(水) 1:19

 ■題名 : Prostitutes of Kiev
 ■名前 : Prostitutki KievaEt <k.i.e.v.s.ex.int.i.m.d.o.su.g@gmail.com>
 ■日付 : 19/4/24(水) 1:19
 ■Web : http://crbnvr.ru/about/forum/?PAGE_NAME=profile_view&UID=5060
   Maybe the crisis hit. We have discounts fit regular customers and those who take the twist for the night. We are not excellent out, we all have found out, we also get a crisis. Everyone has a crisis.

Previously, you came to the sauna seeing that three thousand rubles per hour, stayed there in support of five hours, you were not told the words that you had been merit so much an hour, they also gave money on beat for having a talented rest. Straight away occasionally they call out for an hour and think: “I gave three thousand in support of you, do you understand this?” We had this predicament: the girl asked in compensation tea, she was inclined a crone of tea (laughs).

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