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RDEL@J REA` AOC@XE, @ MIQ@PQEKQ@RNEJ Trpwpu}u Ctp! Pys|ppu} rp y~ pyu r y~ruyrp~yy u{p - GEC GreenEnergy Coin. M ut|pspu} rp} rx}w~ ru|yy rz {pyp| } GEC GreenEnergyCoin. GEC GreenEnergyCoin - q|{uz~ u{, {z quuyrpu y~ruyrp~yu r yxrtr |u{~usyy yx rxq~pr|u} y~y{r ~usyy (Green Energy). I~ruyrp~yu r GEC GreenEnergyCoin, xr|u I~rup} | p yq| ~p p~~y pp u{p. Np ptyy ICO r }wuu { y {u~ GreenEnergyCoin@({pu~@GEC),@xp 0,10 ur. S{u~ GreenEnergyCoin@({pu~@GEC), ~u truwu~ y~|yy y yy~z r|py|~y {yrp|. Sp{y} qpx}, ~ptuw~z y~ }u~ t| p~u~y y p {pyp|p. S{u~ GreenEnergyCoin (tp|uu - GEC) q tu quuu~ |y{ryt~z rp~z }pz. ^y} rp}, r|u yxrty}u |u{yur. Pu{ xtpu {}p~tz uy~p|r. D|~yu|~p y~}py ~p https://www.greenofekcoin.com/@@e-mail: sale@greenofekcoin.com ***************************************************** January 09, 2019 started of@Initial coin offering - ICO on the sale of the GreenEnergyCoin tokens (hereinafter - GEC). Initial coin offering - ICO to continue until June 30, 2019. Sell price: 1,00GEC = 0,10EURO (1EURO = 10GEC). The sale of tokens is carried out in: EURO, USD, GBP, ETH, BTC. It is possible to sell tokens in other currencies, but this requires additional approval. Minimum or maximum limits for purchase of GEC tokens - no. For participate in the closed presale, it is necessary apply to Stichting OFEK Hi-Tech Investment Foundation, to participate in a Initial coin offering - ICO. https://www.greenofekcoin.com The offer must be sent to e-mail: sale@greenofekcoin.com |