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 ▼Pовысить квалификац  Sandrapeals 19/1/10(木) 5:18

 ■題名 : Pовысить квалификац
 ■名前 : Sandrapeals <19.54198219481952z@gmail.com>
 ■日付 : 19/1/10(木) 5:18
   Ritm SCENAR Pro Plus https://clck.ru/EkPQU Scenar device delivers a non-invasive, interactive electrical stimulation via the patient's skin. Ritm Scenar Pro Plus is designed for medical and allied health practitioners such as Physiotherapists, Veterinarians, Nurses, Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Rehabilitation Practitioners, Podiatrists, Massage and Sports Therapists. Indications for: Surgery, Trauma, Bursitis, Dental problems, Musculoskeletal problems, Stroke

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