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 ▼&#5  〓〓〓〓〓 18/12/12(水) 1:47

 ■題名 : &#5
 ■名前 : 〓〓〓〓〓 <reelgame7777@outlook.com>
 ■日付 : 18/12/12(水) 1:47
   They look at my sunless complexion and they laugh.
But that don’t disturbance me.
Quest of I’m beautiful.
Marvellous me.

I love my wide nose,
and husky lips.
I’m beautiful.
Handsome me.

Now, my hips are wide,
and I got a lot of scrap in my trunk.
But I’m beautiful.
Fair me.

My trifle may be prickly,
And my soul are not enhance.
But I’m quiet beautiful.
Appealing me.


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